Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Solid Foundation Has Been Laid

I have fallen behind in showing photos of the construction. I took this photo of our Southeast corner three weeks ago. I'll be posting more photos from now on as the construction process is proceeding rapidly.
I drove by on a really rainy day recently and was surprised to see a crew at work on the West end of the building, in the rain! We were told at a recent gathering of future residents that there is a crew of about 60 working on the construction with another 60 or 70 to be added in the near future. It's a local construction company doing the job and all materials are being purchased locally. That's helping our local economy. We like that feature of Beacon Hill at Eastgate!

Monday, October 19, 2009

See Betsy on Her Balcony!

This is the closeup of the southeast corner of Beacon Hill at Eastgate model that I promised to post in my last blog. That's me, standing on our balcony. Well, not really me, but it's pretty cool to have the figure there, identifying our spot. The window behind her will let the winter sun shine into our dining area and the window to the left is where our master bedroom will be.
The driveway at the back of the building leads into the basement parking level where we will have a parking spot for our car. We think that's a really cool feature of this facility since we are already used to an attached garage and like not having to trek through the snow or rain to bring in the groceries.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Here is What is Being Built

Architect's Model of Beacon Hill at Eastgate
Before I show you any more photos of the construction, I want you to know what the architect's vision for Beacon Hill at Eastgate looks like. This is the model that we saw in the sales office over a year ago when we first started thinking about moving to a CCRC. Remember, that acronym stand for Continuing Care Retirement Center.
The facility will sit on a 16 acre site where there formerly was a small hospital. You can see the two wings, each three stories tall. The center or common area is where the three restaurants, library, meeting room, swimming pool, exercize room, etc. etc. will be located. The plan includes supportive care and nursing facilities to be built behind the common area.
Our apartment will be in the West Wing which is on the right side of the photo. I'll show a closeup view of that wing in my next blog.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Making Choices

Last week I attended a "Moving Made Easy" seminar for future Beacon Hill residents. Actually, it could have been called, "It's Your Choice!" We learned about the choices we will have for kitchen cabinets, flooring, wall colors, carpeting, etc. The plan is to make it easy for people like me, who like to look at all the possibilities that are out there before making my choice. I will get to chose from four or more choices in each category. In a couple of weeks I'll take my fabric samples to the sales office and see what will look best with our furniture.

Bridget, who showed us the sample choices, is an interior designer whose specialty is designing senior living centers. That's Bridget in the photo. I think it will be easy for me to chose the items that we will be happy with.
Now, it's getting seriously exciting to think about moving!!!