Here are two more photos that I took a couple of weeks ago. On the left is a view of the corner where our apartment will be located. The building in the background is a medical office building unrelated to Beacon Hill. On the right is a view of the signage, warning would be trespassers that the area is under video surveillance.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Climbing the Blogging Learning Curve
I've not been very faithful about writing in my blog lately. My daughter called today to remind me to keep writing, so here I am again. I guess I was discouraged by not being able to figure out how to add a photo of the construction of Beacon Hill at Eastgate. I'll try again today and take my camera to the site tomorrow to get the latest photos to you. I drove by it yesterday and real progress has been made since I took this photo.
I made a little progress on the clearing out stuff process today. Sent an antique item to an auction house in Delaware, Ohio that had been referred to me by my college friend, Alex Heingartner. Later today, the Director of an arts organization stopped by to make a pitch for support and I gave her a book for their library. So, that's two out the door today.
Okay, now I have posted a photo. It actually shows the corner where our apartment will be. That's the curb for the driveway leading to the underground parking. I'll try posting this blog and add newer photos tomorrow.
Monday, September 14, 2009
My first photo of the construction
At last we can see the construction taking place, although it seems like it is taking forever to get the foundation in place. I was able to take some photos last week and will see if I can post some on this blog. Our corner apartment will be on the front of the building and the photo actually shows where our balcony will go. They are evidently getting all the cement work done at the same time, as I can see the curbs for the driveway to the underground parking garage. Water service must be in place, also, as there is a fire hydrant visible.
The next photo post will have to wait until later this month when we go back to town for meetings and appointments. I hope to see steel girders going into place by then.
Oh My! That learning curve was just too steep!! I'll have to consult with someone and learn how to post photos. Time to take a break.
The next photo post will have to wait until later this month when we go back to town for meetings and appointments. I hope to see steel girders going into place by then.
Oh My! That learning curve was just too steep!! I'll have to consult with someone and learn how to post photos. Time to take a break.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Time to Get Serious About Moving
Today is the day after Labor Day. Kids are back at school. The lake is quiet. Time to get serious about all those tasks we have been putting off until "we have time". Our youngest child says he could use our small freezer, so we'll have him take that when he comes to our house for Thanksgiving. The middle kid wants the huge old oak chest of drawers in our basement. He may want to get it at Thanksgiving time, also. It's full of "culch" and will have to be emptied. My husband wants to bring a lot of stuff that's in it up to the cottage, but I don't want to have all those odd pieces of hardware and tools hanging around this place, taking up space, for another 47 years. So, I'll try to argue in favor of sorting through stuff and putting much of it into a garage sale.
We're going home for a couple of days this week and I'm eager to see how the construction is coming along. I hope to see a lot of progress having been made in the five weeks that I have been away. I'll take some photos and learn how to post them on my blog. That will be another learning curve for Granna.
We're going home for a couple of days this week and I'm eager to see how the construction is coming along. I hope to see a lot of progress having been made in the five weeks that I have been away. I'll take some photos and learn how to post them on my blog. That will be another learning curve for Granna.
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